Name: event-list-request Type: request Purpose: > Request a list of events Response: event-list Inherits: message Elements: Group-Id: { type: identifier, class: group } Include-Subgroups: { type: bool } Include-Voting-Count: { type: bool } Include-Open-Votings: { type: bool } Include-Admin-Info: { type: bool } Notes: If no Group-Id is specified, a list of global events is returned. If Include-Subgroups is set to true, all events of all subgroups are returned as well. If Include-Voting-Count is set to true, the number of votings of each event is returned as well. If Include-Open-Votings is set to true, details of all open votings are returned as well. If Include-Admin-Info is set to true, an 'administrable' flag is included in event details. Rejection-Codes: 41: Group does not exist